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114 harvest @ sansar is now open for your exploration


114 harvest @ sansar is now open for your exploration

it is official: sansar has opened its doors to public beta users. the atlas beckons you to visit a myriad of wonderful worlds ...


... and ria [that genius master builder who was recently profiled] and drax are proud to welcome you to a mysterious universe in progress which we chose to call "114 harvest"...

when we embarked on this journey a couple months back all we wanted to proof is that social vr can work if there is engaging "place-making" going on. what started as a tiny little basement grew conceptually and [this is what we hope!] will grow even more now that YOU can write the story of this place together with us.

dawn of the dead remake???

dawn of the dead remake???

how? well: by coming in-world to the parties and live shows [starting late september on a weekly basi], making machinima, by taking pictures, by sending us ideas and suggestions via email to 114harvest at draxtor dot com and tagging your works with hashtag #114harvest on your social media outlets.

the road ahead...

the road ahead...

if you dare to enter 114 harvest please do & be sure to use - if you have - your hmd for maximum effect.

sansar works well in desktop mode as well so do not worry! it is all beta at this point and we are all anxious about where the road is taking us because i am sure of it: one thing we have in common is that we tend to ignore the "road closed" signs am i right?

see you in vr! [and let us know what you think in the comments and keep an eye on this blog...]

a small step for drax...

a small step for drax...