Today we welcome Aliya Whiteley at our regular time 12pm SLT. This profilic British author (and poet!) has a brand new SciFi novel out about a future where humans have discovered/colonized a peaceful alien world. “Skyward Inn” explores our [humanity’s] relationship with the “other”, and newsflash = this term in the context of the book does not only apply to extraterrestrials ... we shall see how humanity behaves, as dominant force for ….good? bad? And we will see what kind of communities of intent spring up as antidote to technological “supremacy”. The pressing question, in SpecFic and IRL: can’t we all just get along? Will we answer it?
Come early: we cap the special venue at 45 avatars. Bring your spacesuit, just in case!
Meantime: visit the Book Club archipelago and watch past shows via the playlist below:
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