Amber Sparks will be our guest at 12pm SLT and the book club team has started to devour her various short story collections so we will be ready by showtime.

We have been attracted to Amber’s work without having read anything, so this show could go south if we hate the work.

But alas, as the leader of our pack, the Draxman, reports: he loves loves loves Amber’s latest “And I do not forgive you”.

And that is not just because stories where Athena is building a video game to troll Zeus, or a good-natured ghost in a trailer park rescues the hero from a sexual predator who loves Shakespeare, the question is: is Draxtor enticed by these stories because breaking up with a romantic partner over shoddy knowledge of Greek tragedies has happened to him more than once?

Anyways: he is reading. Or am I?

And yes: I talk about myself in the third person at times, especially when the literary fiction diet is thankfully going a bit more experimental than usually offered.

Come early, we will get super full!

Meantime: visit the Book Club venue and watch past shows via the playlist below:

If you'd like to suggest an author, please email