Today our guest is Antoine Wilson and this veteran of the Second Life Book Club has thankfully written a new book called “Mouth to Mouth”. Why are we thankful? Because we are big big fans of Antoine’s very special flavor of contemporary literary fiction and we have been stuck rereading “Panorama City” and “The Interloper” for a while.
Yes, these two books explore the human condition through the eyes of wonderfully unique characters in various deeply textured milieus within the American society of the “now” but the German translation “Ein Mann von Welt” clearly shows that his themes transcend the North American experience.
“Mouth to Mouth” is out 1/11 so you have precisely ONE DAY to read the novel before the show. Thankfully (here is that word again) it is a slim volume so you can absorb it in a day. But with an unreliable narrator telling a High School writer friend - who may just be a bit unreliable himself - the story of his life, that life being transformed by rescuing a mysterious man from drowning 20+ years ago, the book will stay with you, it will question your own interior narrator, your own biographer if you like and … ah well I digress. See you at the show? At the airport? At the fine arts gala? Read the book and you know what I mean!
Meantime: visit the Book Club archipelago and watch past shows via the playlist below:
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