What happens if you bring a professor of philosophy (is/are that/both words capitalized btw?) who also happens to be a prolific (there is that word again!) author of many books, a German person who teaches in China, who is a follower of Niklas Luhmann and has a wonderful YouTube channel, well what happens if this long sentence ends with me asking: what happens if I bring Hans-Georg Möller into Second Life where he has never been although he wrote an absolutely fantastic book about identity construction in the post-analog world?

I know you know what happened: he did not want to leave the virtual universe …

Ok, I made up what happened, I admit it, but so what?

I am curating my profile as the CEO of SL (that is correct: CEO stands for “Chief Evangelism Officer”).

And as Georg deconstructs in his every-SLer-must-read-immediatly book, having a public profile that is carefully maintained through a self-administered selection/curation process, does not mean I am not sincere, or inauthentic.

And neither are you!

So: if you have trouble convincing your significant others from the physical realm that having a digital self is completely fine and - more importantly - if you want to convince Georg to permanently move to Second Life, do come to the show Wednesday January 17th at 12pm.

More on Substack and for the folks who can’t wait = please explore past shows via the playlist below or wander the SLBC archipelago in-world.

If you'd like to suggest an author, please email slbookclub@draxtor.com.