Everytime I complain about not having enough time to myself, to read, to reflect to digest all the BIG books I have on my TBR stack part of my brain says “how about adding a new format to the SL Book Club live get-togethers?”

Sigh … everytime I try to QUIT I pull MYSELF back in.

So here we go = every WED we have no guest we shall meet at 10am SLT at “The Cafe” on island #1 and I want to know from YOU what you are reading.

And every once in a while we will be talking about David Foster Wallace’s “Infinite Jest” because I KNOW FOR A FACT that a few folks I know are reading this masterpiece and they are enjoying it!

Hope you join me (previous hangout = https://youtube.com/live/XnFm9yoAIZU?feature=share)

Meantime: visit the Book Club archipelago and watch past shows via the playlist below:

If you'd like to suggest an author, please email slbookclub@draxtor.com.