Kristen Ghodsee is back with a perfect book for our dire times: “Everyday Utopia”.
And although Kristen’s favorite historical role model, the revolutionary Alexandra Kollontai, plays a big role in this book with her early 20th century proposal of how to reorganize society in terms of doing away with the monogamous nuclear family, we will also be focusing on Star Trek today.
Why? Well, turns out not only was Jesus possibly a commie, but Professor Ghodsee seems to suggest that Captain Picard and crew certainly were spreading dangerous communist propaganda in a time (late 1980s!) when in America and elsewhere a very different (conservative) consensus reigned supreme, at least in terms of hegemonial family values.
So if the previous run-on sentences scare you away from coming to the show, fear not: we will learn in non academic accessible language that envisioning Utopia is not (only) for the naive but essential for all of us. Even if we are heterosexual and married with one co-parented child.
Come early and bring your Star Trek uniform! Preferably red: no you won’t get shot, promised. Just looks better when we sing “Die Internationale” at the end of the program.
Meantime: visit the Book Club archipelago and watch past shows via the playlist below:
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