The great Ray Nayler is back in Second Life with his second novel after “The Mountain in the Sea”.

“The Tusks of Extinction” is a comparatively slim volume and I can’t tell you anything about it because I am starting to read it tomorrow due to scheduling issues but rest assured three things:

  • I have no doubt that I will love it because Ray’s prose and ability to meld important “real world” issues with wonderful characters and page-turning (what a clichee but it is true) narratives is amazing.

  • I will prep the book thoroughly and Shyla will do background research on Ray (no, she never worked for a 3-letter agency, she is just naturally good at it) so you - the audience - will enjoy the conversation.

  • The venue are putting together for this in SL has mammoths, seating made of ice and possibly a Communist or two hiding in plain sight, hence immersion is guaranteed.

See you you at the event!

Meantime: visit the Book Club archipelago and watch past shows via the playlist below:

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