When friend of show Simon Stephenson informs us that he has a new book out, we compy by giving him a 12pm Wednesdau date on the program immediatiy.
“Sometimes People Die” is a smart medical thriller, full of supsense and heartbreak, but more importantly compassion for overworked medical personnel, an empathetic look at the reality of addiction, all told from the perspective of a kind yet flawed (like all of us?) Scottish doctor, working in a disadvantaged area of London.
Interesting that the book was written by an ex doctor turned screenwriter, also from Scotland?
We will investigate and hopefully get a comprehensive diagnosis from Simon: how much of himself is in the story of suspended-turned-sleuth 20-something unnamed main protagonist? Has he found the serial killer or is he/she/they still on a murder spree in East London?
Come early: we will get full fast!
Meantime: visit the Book Club archipelago and watch past shows via the playlist below:
If you'd like to suggest an author, please email slbookclub@draxtor.com.