Mike Watson is coming to the show at 12pm SLT to talk video game culture, leftism, memes and Mark Fisher.

If you are unsure what these memes are the kids keep talking about, if you wonder why you feel constantly overwhelmed and possibly depressed in this modern world of ours, dominated by constant binary outrage and a capitalism on his/her/their deathbed, clinging on to life by grapping firmly your wrists, pulling you into the maelstrom of commodication one last time, if you always wanted to know what The Frankfurt School was all about and never dared to ask: do not miss this show.

Get Mike’s books now, start reading the latest first (as per his advice!), and then go backwards by moving forward.

Confused? Depressed? Not sure why everything your boomer parents told you about following the rules to succeed is upside down?

You are not alone, when you join us for this discussion, happening in a algorithm free environment in the virtual realm of Second Life. Or will it be meme free too?

We hope not!

Meantime: visit the Book Club archipelago and watch past shows via the playlist below:

If you'd like to suggest an author, please email slbookclub@draxtor.com.